Sunday, December 26, 2010

my point of view.

you all have probably read the post from Nicole and Jessica
so now it is MY turn.
this is quite difficult for me to do..

michelle is amazing.
i remember the first time i met her i was jealous of how skinny she was (and still is) and she was and still is so cute. i am mega lame i know, don't judge me i was in like... summer going into 10th grade.. this girl has been one of my close friends since. we always pick up from where we left off. i love our long talks in her truck and getting caught up on the latest news and gossip, and remembering back when she would drive me home from school and we would yell at little children, not mean things, just funny, and practically pee our pants laughing so hard. i love this girl.

it's very hard for me to really have it sink it that Michelle is being faced with this trial. never in a million years would i have thought this would happen, but then again, who would.. michelle is a very strong girl, and very optimistic. i am so proud of her.
(i'm sorry Michelle, this picture is perfect)

i will be posting more this week about the details with Michelle and what she will be doing for treatment and the details with treatment.

we are thankful for the support that Michelle and her family have been given.
i love you Michelle
you're going to rock this wig


(God blessed me with really cute friends)

(this is the original four of us)

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