Well hello fabulous readers!
Just so we're a little more aquainted...here I am...
I wanted to share a little seceret with out about how I get my daily inspiration.
Not just inspiration about fashion,
but in life, and with helping the people around me.
At the beginning of the year, I chose a word that I wanted to motivate me.
The word was SHINE.
To me, the word SHINE emulates brightness, happiness,
and it means excelling in something.
I decided that now is the time to achieve my goals (I want to be an author).
Not only do we shine when we put down our excuses and go after hard things,
but also when we help others!
I started The Shine Project by making a necklace for a widow whom I never met,
and watched her light up as I gave it to her.
I now sell these necklaces to remind us all to shine each day.
Every week, I post a challenge for us to accomplish that will let us see
just how much good we can accomplish in the world.
Here's your challenge:
Bid on this wonderful SHINE necklace, for 100% of the proceeds to go to Michelle's Chemo Treatments.
Bids begin at $10. Just leave a comment for the amount you are willing to donate! The bid closes next Friday at midnight!
Now that's something worth bidding on.
Go Ahead,
Let the World See you SHINE.
I look forward to hearing from you on
my blog!!!
auction is closed.
Jim and Kensley won at $75.00. thanks for all those who auctioned we appreciate everyones love!